Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I had quite an interesting conversation with my computer this morning. As I logged on he told me that I was "now connected". I told him that I didn't really feel connected. He didn't respond. He then told me that I am "ready for updates" to which I smiled and said "no kidding". "Aren't we all". Once again he went silent. I then tried opened up my Daily Production spreadsheet and he told me that he is "not responding" and then poof...All of my windows were closed. I have decided that I am "not responding" today either and I am going to celebrate St. Patricks day in the manner that it was truly intended to be celebrated. Drunk and puking on a sidewalk by 2pm.


Unknown said...

and how did that go for you... i am jealous....

Thomas said...

Take a picture and post it!!!!

of your Butt!

Thomas said...

*waits for the picture post*
*...still waiting*

Thomas said...

hey man, I filed my taxes without your help. I just saved you time.

give me a sexy Sports Nut pose.

Thomas said...


Thomas said...

One more week, then I want you to bust a groove.

Thomas said...

Okay, now it's ONE WEEK.
So I was bit off earlier.

Thomas said...